Questions & Answers

2012 titan conncections

0 votes
intall question for 2012 nissan titan SV (standard key)with factory alarm.

evo-all SN#001A07 215887 with crimestopper Sp402 remote starter.

1)will i need to connect wire for the Auto Lights shut down?which wires i need from Evo-All

2)do i need to connect Security Led wire?which wire i need from Evo-All?

3)also how do i connect all 4 doors for the door trigger?

Also if i were to use Evo-All for stand alone can i use crimstopper rf remote and antenna?thanks
posté Aout 30, 2021 dans la catégorie Nissan par Edrice Iraola (1,090 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
All the necessary wiring for the EVO-ALL is found in the EVO-ALL installation guide.

1- see evo-all guide for info

2- no

3- no


As for the stand alone quesiton, the EVO-ALL does not support stand alone on this vehicle.
répondu Aout 30, 2021 par Robert T (302,310 points)
Thank you appreciate the quick reply!!