Questions & Answers

programming evo one remote start

0 votes
Having problem with evo one programming in flash link. I toogle to remote start side plug in evo one (ver 7)and flash-link-4 and it does not connect.I can flash alarm side and have bypass working. Evo one is going in Honda Accord Sport 2017.Upadated Flash manager and Flash-link-4. Help!  Thanks
posté Juil 18, 2017 dans la catégorie Honda par Raymond Grenier (190 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

What do you mean by this comment?

I can flash alarm side

Normally, this comment would mean that you were able to connect to the "remote starter side" since the alarm and remote starter are both on the "connection mode: remote starter" and not the "bypass" side.

Can you please call tech support when you have time to troubleshoot this issue and please download and install TEAMVIEWER before calling, so if need be, we can remotely check your system for what could be causing  your issue.

Thank you,

répondu Juil 19, 2017 par J M (64,070 points)
Thank you ! I will