Questions & Answers

Nissan Rogue EVO-ALL connection guide conflict

0 votes

Edited for clarity:


EVO-ALL (Guide #3694) (2008 Nissan Rogue Regular Key) states that Pink/Black (A15) coming from the 20-pin connector taps into the driver (FL) door pin.  (Connection 3, p. 9)  

However, WireColor shows this same wire (Pink/Black @ EVO-ALL) as being the Hood Pin.


Which is correct?

asked Dec 16, 2014 in Nissan by MarkC (1,850 points)
edited Dec 16, 2014 by MarkC

1 Answer

0 votes
Pink/Black is normally an analog hood status output unless we need to use the pink/black for something else. Such as using the output for autolight shutdown. So if not using datalink in this vehicle, and want hood status, you need to wire up a hood switch.

Wirecolor will always state pink/black of the EVO-ALL as hood status if the vheicle is listed to have Hood Status through Can-Bus on the vehicle search. It grabs the info from a generic databus of the factory outputs of the EVO. Wirecolor cannot know if the firmware changes things around.

Always follow what is in the installation guide.

I can see the confusion this may cause if not using datalink. There is really no way besides going car by car to manually remove the wirecolor info for when we use pink/black for something else then hood status. I will still bring this up to wirecolor admin.
answered Dec 17, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)