Questions & Answers

RS-232 data

0 votes
Hello, have customer supplied Prostart CT-3460TW, 2007-10-25, V.H 4.6, V 2.0, for manual transmission to go into 2004 Jeep Liberty(manual) with an EVO-ALL. The remote start has an "RS-232" port on back of module that the D2D cable from EVO-ALL will connect to. Can I use this port for D2D with EVO-ALL successfully if I select option "F1 FORTIN RS-232 protocol option in Flashlink updater? Thanks, Mike.
asked Dec 20, 2014 in Remote Starters by Micheal Unger (2,610 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Sure if you select D2D in flashlink manager it will work perfectly with your prostart.
answered Dec 20, 2014 by Micheal Unger (85,210 points)
0 votes
Leave the starter in Express, enable option F3 in the EVO. This will allow 2-way datalink communication. You can also use the Fortin protocol but Autostart does not allow 2way communication if you don't use their own protocol.
answered Dec 22, 2014 by Robert T (299,500 points)