Questions & Answers

05 Gmc Yukon remote starter problems

+1 vote
Ok I got the gm-sl remote starter problems

truck start then shut down I got all the wires connected to the wires on the install guide except this blue wire that says ground input I don't know what wire from my remote to use on that  I need some help please and thank you
asked Jan 17, 2015 in GMC by Malcolm Bridgewater (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What remote starter are you using ? The blue wire is the reason your car doesn't remote start. It need to be connected to ground when running fom your starter.
answered Jan 17, 2015 by Malcolm Bridgewater (85,210 points)
I have the autopage RS-900LCD

i have ground output when disarmed

and ground out when armed

I don't know if I'm suppose to connect it to one of them
you're looking for a negative output on remote start. They might call it Status output.