Questions & Answers

Cadenza problem by video

+2 votes
Hi , this is my 2015 kia cadenza problem by video.  The OEM remote and fortin FTX44 2W can do everything except remote starting .

When you push the start button sometimes it do nothing and sometimes it just unlock then lock the car doors .

Any way these are three short videos will explain everything to you .

Thank for helping me



And this one for main 6 pin harness test

asked Mar 26, 2016 in Kia by Mahmoud Nada (310 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Nice videos!

It's flashing the lights 3 times when you try to start it. 3 flashes = ready mode not set. 


Since you have an automatic vehicle, that yellow wire loop needs to be cut. If the yellow wire is already cut, try cycling power to the unit by just disconnecting the main power harness.


A full reset on the remote starter side options may also help. After the reset, you will need to redo any options you had in the remote starter settings and also reprogram the remotes. To do this,follow these steps:

1- Press unlock on the fortin remote

2- turn on ignition

3- press and hold valet button until led starts to flash

4- press valet button 23 times

5- press and release the brake

6- press and hold the valet button for 5 seconds (led will flash off-on)

answered Mar 27, 2016 by Robert T (299,650 points)
selected Mar 29, 2016 by derek g

I did all these suggestions and reprogramming the unit many many times .

Now please listen to me

I gave the remote to my wife outside the car . I am inside the car . To test the module main 6 pin harness. ....... igniton white and pink . Also yellow starter .

I noticed that evo one didn't power ignition wires  (white, pink )

or even the starter crank  wire (yellow )


all three wires show zero volt while remote starting. 

although the unit was powered by red wire shows 12v .

I went in and out valet mode . Nothing changed. 

Could you plz explain to me what is the problem now ? Is the unit damaged or what ?

the unit will not power up the ignition wire when it gives a fail code of 3 flashes. If the unit thinks it is in a manual transmission vehicle and that Ready Mode is not set, it will not power up the ignition and will then flash the lights 3 times like you currently have. So it's actually normal right now that your white and pink wires give no power. 


Your current problem:

EVO-ONE thinks this is a manual transmission vehicle. 



1- Make sure Yellow Loop on the back of the unit is cut.

2- downgrade the remote starter firmware to 1.16. Test it out.


Other info..

With ONLY the main 6-pin harness connected and the antenna connected, try remote starting the vehicle to see if the lights flash 3 times right away or if the vehicle actually tries to start. 

If the lights flash 3 times right away this way, the yellow wire loop is either not cut or is making contact on the board itself :(


Thanks alot . I downgraded to 1.16  . It falshed 5 times when remote start . I did search in your questions&answers . I found this is because of option A11 hood trigger.  I Turned it off ..................... finally my car did remote staaaaaart wooooow .

Thanks alot for your help .

Now there is a small issue.  After start ... doors lock and I can't unlock it even with EOM remote . The only way to unlock it is turning off the car then unlock it .

I changed option 6 in remote start section.  It works . But now it shows on the car screen that the driver door always opened and alarm me although it is locked . Even I can't lock by OEM remote . Only by FTX44 2W lock .

What can I do now?
I believe this is a normal reaction by the vehicle. the oem remote no longer functions when the vehicle is running, which is also why we do not advertise this solution as 3xlock compatible.


Please use the FTX remote for doorlock operation. Please put back option 6 to it's default setting.
Then I have to turn off the car after remote start every time to unlock doors?
It is already 3xlock compatible

Everything is working except this annoying driver door alarm sad

Glad it's starting up now!


Like factory, the factory remotes do not work when the car is running. This would also happen upon remote start. You didnt need to change anything in option 6 for that.


We don't list the Cadenza as 3xlock start compatible because the remote cannot be monitored on the can-bus while the engine is running. It would work to start the vehicle without any problems since we can detect the remotes when the car is off (as shown in your videos).


But now it shows on the car screen that the driver door always opened and alarm me although it is locked .

Instead of using the White/Black wire to connect to the driver door pin, use the dark blue in pin A8 of the 20-pin connector and then enable option 32.3 in the remote starter settings.


Thanks a lot Mr. Robert T.. You are the best yes

I did what you said. The driver door alarm disappeared. But Now while the car running under remote start I can't unlock doors neither by OEM remote Nor by fortin remote. Till I turn off it first then I can  unlock doors.

Any suggestions?

We are on the right track here!

Please do the following.

  • Turn off option 6.3 (basically turn option 6.1 On)
  • Turn off option 6.4
  • Turn on option D2 (in the bypass options)


If the above does not work, I have a special programming procedure for this vehicle that Fortin Russia needs to use on European vehicles. It's actually the same programming procedure, but when the blue led flashes at the last step of programming, press the programming button 4 times. This forces the bypass to use a specific set of door lock control codes for the vehicle is off and when it is on.

Thanks alot Mr. Robert T. heart

Hi Robert.

Could you help me in speed-sensative central locking . It is no longer working after evo one . Always  unlocked until you lock it manually.
Most likely need to re-enable the feature in the vehicle user settings (vehicle owners manual should show how to enable or disable the autolocking feature).

You can also have the EVO-ONE do it instead by enabling option 7.2. This would lock the doors when ignition is on and brake is pressed, and also unlock the doors when ignition turns off.


Did you notice if it doesnt work only after the vehicle has been remote started? If you start the car with the key and not the rmeote starter and then drive away, do the doors then relock?

I enabled 7.2..... Still NO automatic lock. Neither if the vehicle remote started nor by normal started. 

But the car is automatically unlocked after turning off.

Keep it simple.

Disconnect the EVO, start the vehicle and drive away and check to see if the car locks when driving away.