Questions & Answers

Evo ONE with CARLINK ASCL6 and T harness in a 2022 tundra locks not working via app

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Everything programmed and working minus the locks via the CARLINK app. The parking lights flash and mirrors start to fold in during lock but nothing from the lock.

Several ofthers are having the same exact issue

Any help would be awesome.

Thanks -B
asked Aug 5, 2024 in Toyota by htndfw (180 points)
edited Aug 5, 2024 by htndfw

1 Answer

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I have just a few questions first so that I may better assist you.

What is the S/N number on the back of the evo-one?

Was Fortin protocol set in the carlink app?

When you send lock from the app, what do the leds on the evo-one do? Same question but send unlock.

When you send remote start does the vehicle start? Also do you get the confirmation in the app that the vehicle is running?

Best regards
answered Aug 6, 2024 by derek g (357,980 points)
selected Aug 7, 2024 by htndfw
Hey Derek,


Fortin protocol is set in carlink

When lock command sent from app, the blue LED blinks once, the red LED on the side flashes non-stop.

On the truck, the mirrors fold halfway in then back out and the parking lights flash. the app confirmms the truck is locked but the locks never lock.

When the unlock command sent, no lights on the EVO one, The parking lights flash and the app comfirms the truck is unlocked. The actual locks never unlock.

The remote start works perfectly from the app and 3xlock on fob. The app also confirms the truck is running or shuts down.

Hope I explained that ok

Please make sure the car link is plugged into the small blue connector on the evo-one and if applicable, the correct adapter has been used.

If that is all fine, it looks like your module has been flashed and configured for a 2022 toyota corolla cross PTS, this might have something to do with the door lock codes not working properly in your 22 Tundra PTS.

Please select the approriate YMM and then update the module to firmware 88.33 minimum.

Once that is done re program the unit in the vehicle following the programming outlined in this installation guide (pages 5-7):


Then re connect in the vehicle and re test the Carlink. You should not need to re program the carlink.
Thanks for the reply!

I updated the vehicle, firmware and re-programmed with the same results.
I noticed when i enabled lock after start, Using the OEM Toyota fob 3 x's lock. The truck remote starts, parking lights flash, mirrors start to fold in but go half way then back out just like using the carlink.
Please turn on option A4, A5 & A6.


Also turn off D5, hit save then re test.
Gave it a shot this morning with no luck.

Alrighty, next please perform a master reset on the unit in the vehicle. In your case youll simply plug in the main 6 pin connector in place of the 4 pin mentioned in the instructions above.

Once that is done, return to the pc and enable options C1 and D6 then save options. Do not change or alter any other options.

Next youll need to run through the invehicle programming along with dcryptor again (pages 5-7): and then from there test the lock/unlock again.

Best regards.

Was able to reset and enable c1 and d6, I'm stuck on the invehicle programming flashing blue light flashing. Tried several times and did master reset a couple times. This light never goes solid when key on.
When you turn ignition on the blue led should begin to flash rapidly, then you turn the ignition off and press unlock on the OEM remote.
I got it. disconnected battery to truck for a few min and tried again.

Its decrypting now and im getting an error that the dcryptors limit has been reached for this car?
Yeah that can happen when it gets run to many times. I will send it off to get reset right away. Please note dcryptor reset can take 24-48 hours. Once it is reset you will no longer get the error when you click on send data.
THANK YOU DEREK! Everything working as it should now. Even the tailgate via the app!

Glad to hear you got it going!

Best regards.