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2014 camry hybrid not starting

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I need some help,

2014 Camry Hybrid push to start.

Installed Evo All and using as stand alone remote start only. Blue light on unit flashes with each remote command but vehicle does nothing after giving it the 3x lock command from factory remote

Evo All 03/2019  using Firmwarwe 79.66  Installed with Guide # 70451

and installed with Thar Toy6 harness 




posté Juin 16, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Steve Floyd2 (1,960 points)

1 Réponse

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What is the S/N on the back of the evo?


Sounds like you might be just missing an option.
répondu Juin 16, 2021 par derek g (336,040 points)
élue Juin 22, 2021 par Steve Floyd2
Hi Derek,


the SN 001A07 011105

perhaps i am missing another wire connection? I plugged in the Thar-Toy6 harness in the vehicle and the evo All, I am still unclear on needing any other connections or remote start unit for this install. What I read was, the Evo All and harness along with programming was all i needed. I may have missed it in the program area  




Hi Derek,

I checked my settings and now i get the blue light three times flashing when hitting lock 3X, the red light comes on solid and i hear clicking then the red light fl\ashes 4 times.




Are we sure its flashing 4 times? Or could it be 5?

4x flash means the module detected ignition before start.

5x flash indicates the module is detecting a hood open.


Have you tried re programming it in the vehicle now that you have enabled the correct options?
Hi Derek,


I am not sure where to hook up start/stop external control wire, as it seems this may be my hold up.



That connection is optional and not required for programming/remote start. In your case if its a 3x lock start you do not need that wire at all.
Hi Derek,


I am stuck on the in car programming

solid Blue light, turn on Ignition light goes out and comes back on flashing

I hit button and blue light just starts blinking slowly

no yellow light



If it still isnt working please try the following:

1- Master reset the evo in the vehicle:

2- Enable only the following options at the flash link: A1 through A10 - ON, C1 - ON, D1 - ON, D1.10 - ON, D6 - ON. Save the options.

3- Re program the module from start to finish including dcryptor.

4- Test.
Hi Derek

I got the car remote started, as a Hybrid it says "Ready" when it:s ON.

I Love Fortin evo All and One units, they have always worked.

The Support is The Best!!! A BIG THANKS

