Questions & Answers

Firmware upgrade with drone mobile

0 votes
I see there is a firmware fix that addresses the "cruise control disabled under 20mph" for Mazda (evo-one firmware 85.11).  If I update to this new firmware and then revert back to 0.50 in order to keep the drone mobile functionality, will the cruise control issue still be addressed?  Basically, will I still get the fix from 85.11 if I downgrade to 0.50 afterwards?
posté Juil 1, 2021 dans la catégorie Mazda par Marc Glogovsky (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
85.11 is bypass firmware.

0.50 is remote starter firmware.

The 2 are completly seperate.

Leave the remote starter be and update the bypass to 85.11 and re program it to the vehicle including re sending dcryptor.
répondu Juil 1, 2021 par derek g (336,040 points)