Questions & Answers

Murano - Multiple Key Bypass Programming

+1 vote

I have successfully programed one of mine OEM key (push-to-start) for a remote start in my 2011 Murano, however I just noticed that my second OEM key does not remote start the car. I

posté Fev 22, 2015 dans la catégorie Nissan par Luciano Bonilla (230 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
Both keys should already be able to remote start the vehicle, when pressing lock on the second key, does the blue led flash on the unit?
répondu Fev 23, 2015 par Luciano Bonilla (85,210 points)
+1 vote
The programming procedure is only done so that the EVO-ALL programs to the vehicle. It really has nothing to do with programming the factory key to the EVO. Both Keys should just work once the unit is programmed.

As Mathieu asked, you want to be looking at the Blue LED on the unit when pressing lock or unlock on the remotes. This confirms the EVO has read the lock commands through the vehicles Can-Bus.
répondu Fev 23, 2015 par Robert T (299,650 points)
Thank you for your reply.

I tried it again today and it worked, so I'm not sure why it didn