Questions & Answers

I cannot enter valet mode

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I cannot enter valet mode for some reason. I push the start button twice to turn on the ignition, then I press and hold the valet switch, but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
posté Mar 16, 2016 dans la catégorie Kia par LaCorey Will (420 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
To enter valet mode you turn the ignition on and press the valet switch 3 times. same thing to exit valet mode.

Be sure you are using the valet switch and not the programming button.

This is for a Evo-One.
répondu Mar 16, 2016 par derek g (336,040 points)
This still doesn't work. Could there be an option disabled in the software?
Option 36 and 30 are both for setting up how valet mode is set. I took the service number from your previous posts and the only thing i would change is option 36; set it back to option 36.1


If that does not work, either the unit is not seeing ignition (BIG PINK WIRE form 6-pin) or there's an issue with the valet button itself.