Questions & Answers

EVO-ALL + FT-D100+Compustar RF kit

0 votes
I installed a few different car using EVO-ALL + FT-D100 + compustar RF kit which is working good until car battery is dead or replace. Factory 3x still working but compustar remote is not woking anymore. I need to reprogram compustar remote then working again. All FT-D100 is update firmware before I installed. That problem is not only one car, it seen all car same issue. Any idea? Thanks.
asked Sep 29, 2020 in Other by Raymond Yim (300 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
EVO will not lose RF programming, or any programming, from a battery disconnect. If it did, our own Rf kits would have the problem as well.

I do not really have any suggestions for this.

Make sure evo is at latest firmware update.

Maybe see with Firstech but they will probably say it's the evos fault
answered Sep 29, 2020 by Robert T (302,110 points)