Questions & Answers

Disable OEM alarm via Unlock before start then re-lock

0 votes
Audi 2019 Q5

I'm just curious about this process.... The Evo-All does an unlock to disable the oem alarm before starting the vehicle and then re-locks it. Is it possible for you to issue a canbus command that would just turn the alarm off and on vs using the unlock re-lock to do it? Would seem more elegant in terms of programming. Also safer in that the vehicle would never be unlocked in case someone was standing by the vehicle waiting for the unlock to occure.
posté Aout 14, 2022 dans la catégorie Audi par Brian Kelly2 (560 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Unfortunately no, the evo is simulating the manual arming-disarming via the door key cylinder, even with the OEM remote the arming/disarming is synced with the doorlocks.  This hypothetical you present would mean someone standing near your vehicle in the open, in the hopes you remote start the vehicle. which is very unlikely.
répondu Aout 15, 2022 par J M (64,120 points)
0 votes
From my understanding, the disarm process includes unlocking.
répondu Aout 15, 2022 par Robert T (304,010 points)