Questions & Answers

Stuck on Step 4

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2012 Nissan Rogue Intelli-key using T harness NIS 2. I cannot get passed step 4. The yellow light never flashes it doesn't change at all after pushing button any amount of times. I went through the troubleshooting guide and I don't have power on yellow wire, I also reversed the can-bus wires which didn't help. The fob was placed 40 feet away inside the house next to the spare keys we have for this vehicle.
posté Jan 4 dans la catégorie Nissan par Justin Lundy (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

What is the S/N number on the back of the module?

Thank you.
répondu Jan 4 par derek g (336,040 points)
002B07 144891
"I went through the troubleshooting guide and I don't have power on yellow wire"


- this refers to the yellow wire on the 20 pin connecotor. It should be connected to the large pink wire on the main 6 pin connector of the evo one.


Additionally the, and purple/yellow need to be connect as shown:
Ok i have that connected as shown. I thought it meant the ignition switch yellow.
I used a new one that was for another vehicle and it programmed exactly like it was supposed to. Now remote start works with oem keyfob and starting with the key works but the intelli key function by starting without using physical key doesn't work.
If you are not able to turn the tumbler normally, you would want to veirfy your connections and the plugs associated to it as well. The vehicle should always operate as originally intended.