Questions & Answers

Options for 2015 MK7 TDI 6M/T

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Do you support 2015 MK7 Golf TDI with 6M/T? If so, what components would you recommend. Thank you for your time.
posté Jan 10, 2024 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par Bekillin (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


Your volkswagen golf, is it push button start or key start?

Also were are you/the vehicle located?

What is the manufacture date of the vehicle?

Best regards.
répondu Jan 10, 2024 par derek g (357,470 points)
It is key start, manufactured in April of 2015 and is located in Texas, USA
One last question, is the vehicle equipped with the virtual cluster? Basically when the cluster is a big LCD screen.
No, it has dial tach and speedometer. There is a little LCD screen in the middle that can show basic information.
Thank you for the information.


You would need the following parts for remote start using the OEM remote:

1- evo-one

2- thar-vw6

3- flash link updater

4- tb-vw

5- r-link programmer


If you are ok with sacrificing/loosing a key for the installation, you do not need the tb-vw or R-link.


Please be aware, Fortin does not assist end consumer in troubleshooting manual transmission vehicles due to the dangers associated to the clutch bypass. It is strongly suggested to have the system installed by a qualified technician.


Best regards.