Questions & Answers

Nissan 2020 NV2500 20 pin connector location

0 votes
The purchased wiring plan does not have a location or picture for a 20 pin connector which has the emergency brake, dome light and truck pin, please help with location and any other knowedge.  Thanks
posté Mar 12 dans la catégorie Nissan par Devin Stites (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Here is the information I was able to find for those 3 circuits, on a 2020 nissan nv standard key, hopefully this helps!

Parking Brake-  green - parking brake switch, black 1 pin connector, pin 1
Dome Light - blue - driver A pillar --or-- BCM behind instrument cluster, black 15 pin connector, pin 8
Trunk/Hatch Pin - gray (right back door upper) - driver A pillar --or-- BCM behind instrument cluster, white 40 pin connector, pin 13


Best regards.
répondu Mar 12 par derek g (347,230 points)