Questions & Answers

Transponder Loop For Evo-All Availability

+1 vote
Does Fortin have a plug in loop I can use for key bypass on the Evo-All? I always end up cutting the end off a loop from a universal bypass and using it together with LED wiring to make my loops up, and end up tossing the universal bypass. (the loops they come with, the wire gauge is too big and doesn't work)
posté Fev 11, 2015 dans la catégorie Other par Chris Smith2 (2,270 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
All accessories can be found here :


I think what you are looking for would be the AR35, AR41 or ALU. I may be completely wrong here, but take a look at the link above.
répondu Fev 11, 2015 par Robert T (304,060 points)
Wow, I just realised we still have those old school remote boxes available for vehicles that arm-disarm was RF only...
Thank you. The printed circuit boards (such as the AR-35 which I have a bunch of) don't work in those situations (god knows I've tried) but that ALU will. That's what I was looking for. Thanks!


ETA: I recently got rid of some of those boxes also. I don't remember the number, but I had about a half dozen on hand. Never even used any of them.
Instead cutting your led connector to connect to evoall 2 pin connector, you can use white/red and white/blue of the red 6 pin connector which will do the exact same thing in applications where the 2 pin connector is used.