Questions & Answers

How and where do i flash EVO-ONE to 0.50. cant seem to find out how to do it

+1 vote
service no. 002b03 046306
posté Dec 14, 2015 dans la catégorie Mazda par stevenemm (140 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
for the Drone?

I will see to get that firmware added to the Hardware 3. It's tagged only the hardware 5 and 7 at the moment.
répondu Dec 14, 2015 par Robert T (303,700 points)
0 votes
it's available for the hardware 3 evo-one now
répondu Dec 15, 2015 par Robert T (303,700 points)
toggle flash link into remote starter mode which willl be indicated in lower right hand conrner. Then once module is plugged in go to evo-one updates and scroll down select 0.50 then select the green flash button. Once its completed unplug the module and it is ready to go!

as robert mentioned only hardware 5 and 7 at the moment soon to be hardware 3
what about service # 002B01 0060806? can you check pls
that service number is not working
What do you mean "not working"? Do you mean that that hardware revision was tested and found to be non-compatible, or that the service number I typed in was incorrect?
When that number is entered it does not work the number was written incorrectly. But if it has a 01 after the B this would mean it is a Hardware one. As previously mentioned hardware 3,5 & 7 at this time.
have they been able to verify the firmware upgrade with hardware one? i was told on the phone that i would have an answer by now.
I just plugged in my hardware 1 evo-one and firmware 0.50 was available.

Should be good on your end now also.