Questions & Answers

Takeover sequence not working. remote starts fine. once key is set to run, foot on brake shuts car off.

0 votes
oem key takeover not successful. tried reprogramming evo-all with 4 pinwire followed instructions stuck on step 6, blue light solid won't flash when key turned on. troubleshooting indicated no signal from ignition wire (yellow wire). is something wrong with wiring. now can't start car at all even when evo-all disconnected, I can't go to work.
posté Jan 10, 2019 dans la catégorie Dodge par Sam D'Anghera (260 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Sorry, found blown ignition feed 2 amp fuse in engine compartment fusebox, all is well and working great.
répondu Jan 10, 2019 par Sam D'Anghera (260 points)