Questions & Answers

Do I have to stand REMOTE STARTER installation EVO-ALL for mitsubishi outlander 2014 push-to-start for the remote start?

0 votes
Do I have to stand REMOTE
STARTER installation EVO-ALL for mitsubishi outlander 2014 push-to-start for the remote start?
asociée à une réponse pour: EVO-ALL and Mitsubishi Outlander 3
posté Nov 7, 2013 dans la catégorie Mitsubishi par Airat Valiakhmetov (180 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes

The installation can be done with or without a remote starter.


Their are different installation guides for each type of installation:

With a remote starter unit: EVO-ALL & Mitsubishi Outlander - Push-to-start (2014) - Revision 20130918

Without a remote starter, ONLY the EVO: STAND ALONE EVO-ALL & Mitsubishi Outlander - Push-to-start (2014) - Revision 20130918

répondu Nov 7, 2013 par Robert T (302,110 points)