Questions & Answers

How do I enable/configure trunk release using the linkr-lt2 with evo-one unit?

0 votes
Can't configure trunk release on the linkr-2
posté Oct 25, 2020 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par robert arberry (200 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the year, make and model of the vehicle? I want to check for you and see if trunk release is supported first.
répondu Oct 26, 2020 par derek g (357,470 points)
2008 Chevy impala LS
Did you wire in the trunk release? It is not supported through data.
No I didn't. But it does release with the evo-one without wiring.
You mean trunk release works from your factory remote?
Yes! Don't have a problem with factory remote releasing trunk with the evo-one unit and no trunk wire connection. Just have a problem with the added linkr-lt2 releasing the trunk
Yes, because trunk release always works from your oem remote.


The evo does not do trunk release via the app unless you wire in the aux output of the evo-one to the the vehicle.