Questions & Answers

Why doesn't 3X lock turn off my vehicle?

0 votes
Nissan Altima 2008 PTS

EVO-ALL-NIST1 001A06848886

Guide # 84551


Blue led blinks twice while off from fob lock/unlock command.

Red led blinks and brake lights turn on after 3x lock, engine starts.

Red and Yellow led remain on while in remote start.

Blue led flashes twice from unlock, but not lock, command.


A1-A6 enabled

A7-A11 disabled (No support for OEM fob takeover before 2009)

B1-B2 disabled

C1 enabled

D1 enabled (15 minute runtime)

D2 disabled (this didn't help)

D3 disabled (so vehicle will stay on)

D4 disabled (not a hybrid)

Protocol - Fortin

No special functions

No RF kit
asked Apr 28, 2021 in Nissan by Gavin S (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Turn On A7 through A11.

Also turn Off  A12 & A14.


The reason it wont turn off is because on this vehicle Fortin do not list 3x lock ( because the OEM remote is not detected when the vehicle is running.
answered Apr 28, 2021 by derek g (357,480 points)
selected Apr 28, 2021 by Gavin S
So OEM 3xlock works by accident and I require an aftermarket fob?
If you want keyless entry and remote stop when vehicle is remote started, yes you would need an rf kit.

So OEM 3xlock works by accident and I require an aftermarket fob?

Remotes are monitored when the car is off, that's why you can start it with 3x lock. But unfortunately they cannot be monitored when it's running on the 2007-2008 Altima and G35/G37.  An RF-KIT is listed under "Required Technology" for these vehicles on the website.
