Questions & Answers

2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee, Turns on but no crank, no start.

0 votes

Installing Evo All, stand alone with Thar-CHR5 harness. Ignition and MUX wires are connected, module is programmed, key is programmed. Dash lights up, fuel pump buzzes but not start. 

With the harness, I connected the yellow-yellow (ignition), green/red-purple (MUX), and white/red-pink/orange (starter) wires. is there something I'm missing?

asked Jan 16, 2022 in Jeep by Andy Sicard (200 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Double-checked the spliced wires going into the ignition harness.  I had read the diagram incorrectly in the instructions - I had to flip it over 180 degrees.  Remote start is working now.
answered Jan 22, 2022 by Andy Sicard (200 points)
0 votes
I would start by metering the starter wire on the OEM connector when remote starting to see if its actually getting energeized.
answered Jan 17, 2022 by derek g (337,260 points)
Hi Derek, Thanks for the suggestion.  I put a meter on the starter wire connection and tried to remote start. When idle, I was seeing 5.4VDC and when the remote starter kicked on, it dropped to 0VDC. Does this mean I should be using a different wiring configuration?  Thanks