Questions & Answers

Linkr lt2 + Evo All

0 votes
What settings should I change in my Fortin Evo all for my LT2 to work accordingly, so far the lock and unlock, GPS location, car interior temperature, battery, locked unlocked and device signal strength statuses work and when I manually start my car with my OEM key fob the runtime even shows up, but the remote start and stop features inside the linkr app report failure, trunk release feature wasn't tested It started getting late here, is there something I'm missing?

asked Jul 19, 2022 in Dodge by Kevoné (530 points)
reopened Jul 19, 2022 by Kevoné

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Please turn OFF the following options: A13, B2. Under special functions turn OFF E1, E2, E3.


Once this is done click save options and re test.
answered Jul 19, 2022 by derek g (357,470 points)
selected Jul 19, 2022 by Kevoné
On it
A13 disabled

B2 option is grayed out

Options E1 E2 and E3 are disabled

Retested and remote start features are still failing
Should I restart the key learning step it did only flash once for me when I went through the process is it supposed to flash more after the initial first LED flash?
Does lock-unlock-lock remote start the vehicle?
Yes it does and for some reason when I put everything back together again with the semi new settings because B2 wasn't a selectable option at the time everything ended up working out so all the features with the linkr app are functional.

Even with the A13 setting turned on I left the E1 E2 and E3 settings off like you asked I just really love the A13 feature The B2 feature ended up showing as a changeable option as well I switched that feature off once I could, but now I can start stop unlock lock and use auxiliary trunk release from the app finally