Questions & Answers

Flash needed to activate EVO RS?

0 votes
I purchased this remote starter for my 2014 Dodge Caravan.  Is it ready to go or does it need to be flashed/activated before instaliation?  If so, how do I do it?  Thank you
asked Jul 21, 2022 in Dodge by Kyle Koski (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you provide the S/N on the back of the evo I can let you know if it needs to be set up or not.
answered Jul 21, 2022 by derek g (357,470 points)
The SN: is 001A07 046147.



Thank you for your quick response.


Your module is not flashed.


You will need the flash link updater and flash link manager in order to flash and configure the evo.
Can I download the updater and link manager or is there somewhere you can recommend to buy those.  

In your opinion, should I just return this unit and purchase one that is preflashed for my vehicle?

Thank you for your help.

 I just saw the links above.  Wow, the instructions are intimidating.

The flash link manager is the program which is a free download. The flash link updater is the device you purchase that allows you to plug the evo into a computer.


You can try to source a location that will pre flash it for you. Fortin does not pre flash modules.
Thank you very much for your insight.  Ill look for a location to flash the unit.  Have a blessed day!