Questions & Answers

What is price and availabilty of THAR-NIS1 for 2007+ Nissan and Infiniti PTS vehicles

+1 vote
What is price and availabilty of THAR-NIS1 for 2007+ Nissan and Infiniti PTS vehicles and will this fit a 2013 G37 Coupe

asked Jan 31, 2014 in Infiniti by Bruce Thompson2 (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The THAR-NIS1 can be bought individually as just a T-harness, or bought packaged with an EVO-ALL (named EVO-NIST1) which would be less expansive.


It's available now and being shipped to our distributors. I have no pricing for it at the moment but the distributors do. Here is the list of all authorized distributors.
answered Jan 31, 2014 by Robert T (303,700 points)