Questions & Answers

How to select fortin2 on mobile updater?

0 votes
Can't find fortin2 option on odb mobile updater
asked May 27, 2023 in Honda by Michael Sheehan (160 points)

1 Answer

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If you are referring to fortin2 using an EVO-ONE. This cannot be done using the mobile flasher. Can only be done using the flash link updater for PC.


Best regards.
answered May 29, 2023 by derek g (357,480 points)
I read the flashlink 4 user guide and on the list it say fortin2 is an evo all option only and I keep seeing people referring to evo one and fortin 2 I can't get my linkr-lt2 to properly pair with my evo one and I thought fortin2 was the missing link and I've read that the evo one comes preworked in that manner
When programming the linkR you are setting the module into the FOrtin2 mode by pressing the valet swtich 5x. (page 8,9&10).

Make sure you are using the LLRS01 adapter and you are plugging the LINKr into the small blue port directly on the evo-one.