Questions & Answers

Vehicles not remote starting

0 votes
So i sussfully connected the evo all to my vw jetta 2012. When I press the unlock and lock buttons the blue led pops up. But it doesn't remote start it. What's the issue?
asked Dec 14, 2024 in FAQ by ranran971 (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
what is the 12 digit service number of the evo-all?

does the red led turn on or flash a few times after attempting to remote start?
answered Dec 14, 2024 by Robert T (303,690 points)
001A07 304628

And no red light doesn't turn on at all
It just flashes blue to lock unlock and my truck opener. Then turns orange when cars running. When I do the 3x to start it with it i only hear a click
I've managed to get it to want to start it's starts after the 4th try but sets off my car alarm
The module is setup for activating by pressing Lock-Unlock-Lock and not Lock-Lock-Lock.
Yes it is. Should I change it to lock times 3?