Questions & Answers

Can i add a DEI 508D Proximity Motion Sensor to a EVO-ALL in a Wrangler 2014 (without factory alarm) ?

0 votes
I bought a EVO-CHRT5 recently, is still on the way to my home. I have a Wrangler 2014 without factory alarm, i want to use the ALARM and REMOTE START feature of the EVO-ALL, but i want to know if is possible add a 508D Proximity Motion Sensor. It is possible? This proximity sensor has 2 outputs, because have 2 stage of motion detect. How can i setup it on the EVO-ALL?


Thank you!
asked Nov 15, 2014 in Jeep by Dagoberto Gonzalez (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

After installation the unit as a remote starter, you will need to set up the EVO as an alarm using this installation guide. : Download Installation Guide


For the shock sensor, you will need to join both trigger outputs (with diodes) to the trigger input on the EVO.



answered Nov 17, 2014 by Robert T (303,700 points)
Thank you for your reply Robert.

Today i received the EVO CHRT5, i installed it and the remote start works fine. After it i activated the Alarm function but it doesn't work. The horn doesn't sound when I press the lock button, and it doesn't monitor if the doors open.

My Jeep Wrangler 2014 doesn't have factory alarm, and i bought the EVO to add alarm and remote start.

Please help me to solve it.
Did  you connect the horn output?

What is the service number on the EVO?
Now i noticed that is necessary connect the Horn, i thought that the EVO was plug&play and activate the horn by CAN bus. I have to connect several wires to put the alarm to work.
My service number is 001A06 418121.
How can i get access to Wirecolor wiring information? I can't find de Activation Key on the box
Can't activate the horn throuhg can-bus. Connections will be required when using special configurations such as EVO-ALARM, that's why i linked you the guide previously.

The activation card should be in the box unless someone has removed it. . You can email for the wiring info.