Questions & Answers

evo one doesnt seem to be putting out voltage when remote starting

+1 vote
I followed all the instructions provided in the service manual and the blue led flashes when I hit the lock button on the factory fob and when I hit lock 3x the red and amber led turn on but none of the lights on the dash come on and the car doesnt crank. Also a side point I noticed that the tech sheets from fortin and the wire color website dont match up all the same wires.
asked Feb 27, 2015 in Acura by Mike Monoker (140 points)
edited Feb 27, 2015 by Mike Monoker

2 Answers

0 votes
What is the vehicle you are working on and what is the service number on your module ?
answered Feb 27, 2015 by Mike Monoker (85,210 points)
2012 acura tl push to start and ill get the service number soon
0 votes

First, make sure the options for 3x lock are enabled (which yours seem be from the description given). All this info can be found here : . With the 12-digit service number, we can check to see all options are properly enabled.


Also, on the back of the unit their is a yellow wire loop. If your vehicle is automatic transmission, you need to cut that loop.


Also a side point I noticed that the tech sheets from fortin and the wire color website dont match up all the same wires.

Not all wires found on wirecolor will be needed for a remote starter install.

answered Feb 27, 2015 by Robert T (303,700 points)
The wire is cut for automatic transmission
We need the Service number on the back of the Evo One Unit.