Questions & Answers

Is using viper VSM200 with EVO ONE requires yearly susbscription

0 votes

1-Should  I pay or it is used as far away remote kits with smartphone?.

2- Is VSM300 compatible with EVO ONE?

asked Dec 23, 2015 in Smart by Tager Tower (3,480 points)
edited Dec 23, 2015 by Tager Tower

1 Answer

0 votes
The Viper smartstart requires a yearly montitoring subsciption,

1. ``Far away remote kits¨ do you mean a ¨range-extender¨? if so, no you cannot just connect a smartstart and use it without a subscription.


2. I believe the vsm300 is just the newer version of the older vsm200-250, I will let one someone else more familiar with the SmartStart units chime in here.

Thank you
answered Dec 23, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)

Thank you for respond Sir,

I mean if it is only smart start by smartphone instead of remote control, is it requires subscription?

The smartstart uses a data/cell network.