Questions & Answers

EX35 EVO-NIST1 and T-harness won't remote start without foot on brake

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I have a 2008 Infiniti EX35 PTS with the EVO-NIST1 and T-harness installed for a standalone remote start system. I used the most current firmware, turned on D1 and C1 options, and the module was successfully programmed. The vehicle will not start with the 3x lock signal, it will only go to on and then acc modes. In troubleshooting, I pressed the brake pedal and then tried the 3x lock which started the car. Further, I tried switching the RL1 to RL2 connector, but this did not work. Next I put a voltmeter on the white/red wire on the brake connector harness, during the startup sequence the voltage seemed to be constant but only 11 volts and occationally dropped to 0 during the sequence. I re-installed the firmware and reprogrammed the EVO again to make sure there wasn't any issues, but it still work work. Do I have a bad EVO, harness, or something else?
asked Jan 19, 2016 in Infiniti by SVL-RKM (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You should be using RL1...

Test to see if you have 12 volts at the white/blue wire on the RL1 connector.

Next check to see if their is 12 volts comming out of white/red when remote starting.

If all this checks out next check too see if that same 12 volts from white/red is making it to the brake pedal connector...

Also make sure your connectors are seated correctly and that you havent pushed a pin back when you plugged them in.
answered Jan 19, 2016 by derek g (357,480 points)