Questions & Answers

OEM FOB 3X lock, car starts, alarm goes on and can't turn off with FOB

0 votes
2014 Tundra. EVO ONE  with T Harness. Picked up truck at the dealear and worked perfect. Press lock 3 times and engine starts. Press unlock and enter truck. Put key in and turn to drive away. Perfect.  I get home and show wife and imediatly the alarm goes off. FOB won't work. Put key in door and alarm stops. 2 seconds later the truck starts on its own and starter stays engaged for several seconds after the start. Put foot on brake and truck stays running. Try putting in gear and engine turns off. Anyone know what could have happened?
asked Nov 19, 2016 in Toyota by DHolmes (180 points)
edited Nov 19, 2016 by DHolmes

2 Answers

0 votes
What's the 12digit service number of the evo-one? It's on the sticker directly on the unit.


Those extra wires not part of the t-harness that were connected, were they connected with T-taps by any chance? Sounds like something went loose on the drive home. T-taps or even faulty ground connection would cause that.
answered Nov 19, 2016 by Robert T (303,700 points)
002B07 124850

Took it back to Deerfield Toyota. They said all wires are in tact. They have not been very successfull. I am going to try on my own. They did not hook up the valet or the hood switch.

I can not get it to connect to the flash link 2 either. Did the cancel update procedure and updated firmware to the latest. Only LED on the EVO ONE is the middle amber LED.

Any ideas?

I never recieved an email that you responded. My apologies. I have rewired using solid connections as you recomended. The system works most of the time but ocasionally the horn blows steady when i remote start. Not sure what is happening.
0 votes
DId you ever get it figured out?

BTW, your A11 option should be turned off.
answered Jan 27, 2017 by Charles Cho (380 points)