Questions & Answers

Red LED on EVO-ALL but car will not crank. Dash and accessories come on after 3x lock with solid red led but no crank.

0 votes
I believe programming was successful as the evo blue led flashes blue with remote lock presses. Red led comes on solid but with no engine start. 2016 GMC Terrain
asked Feb 20, 2019 in GMC by Shane Guilliams2 (130 points)
edited Feb 20, 2019 by Shane Guilliams2

1 Answer

0 votes
Need firmware 4.12 per guide. and make sure that Light Blue is connected to Light Blue/Black.

Once firmware is changed, check that D1.10 is enabled (or simply turn off and back on option D1). Save Options then reconnect to car and try it.


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answered Feb 21, 2019 by Robert T (301,890 points)
Hello thanks for the response. It doesn't appear that firmware version 4.12 is available in my flashlink manager. Is there a way I can obtain this firmware version or what is my next option? Is there another compatible firmware version?
Even though it is greyed out, you can still click on it.