Questions & Answers

How can I start a car using TB-VW when losing a car key?

0 votes
The car has autostart (stand Alone). How can I start a car using TB-VW when losing a car key?
asked Mar 14, 2020 in Volkswagen by G M (16,270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Do you have a fortin module in the vehicle? If so what is the model and s/n to the unit.
answered Mar 16, 2020 by derek g (357,470 points)
selected Mar 23, 2020 by G M

This would be the installation guide using tb-vw for 16 jetta pts.

I installed remote start a week ago on this car, but I mean, if the regular smart key is lost, is it possible to start the engine using TB VW?
No, that is not possible.