Questions & Answers

Dcryptor has reached it's limit - issues with EVO-ALL on Audi A3 2018

0 votes
I'm troubleshooting my install on my Audi A3 and unfortunately i've reached my limit on Dcryptor for this car.  C'mon.


This is already frustrating and now I can't continue troubleshooting because i'm stone walled at the dcryptor step.


SN: 001A07 125999


Please reset ASAP - now i'm sitting with no car until Monday and today is Saturday!  So frustrating.
closed with the note: Spoke to rep to find solution.
asked Dec 27, 2020 in Audi by Felix Garcia (250 points)
closed Dec 28, 2020 by Felix Garcia

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Spoke to rep to continue troubleshooting and found out the brown start/stop connection from the T-harness should be connected to the pink/black on the 20 pin connector and not the purple one shown in the diagram.


Vehicle remote starts now!
answered Dec 28, 2020 by Felix Garcia (250 points)
selected Dec 28, 2020 by Robert T2