Questions & Answers

Why is the Fortin remote operating the sliding doors instead of normal operation - Sienna?

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Hello.  EVO RS4 kit (EVO-ALL with RM442 remotes) on a 2014 Toyota Sienna.  Factory remote operates perfectly.  Both Fortin remotes are operating the sliding doors instead of normal lock/unlock and start functions.  I press the lock button and the driver side sliding door opens.  Unlock opens the passenger sliding door.  Pressing the start sequence opens both doors.  The Fortin remotes will not lock, unlock or start the vehicle.  Any advice?
asked Oct 23, 2021 in Toyota by Bobby B (390 points)

1 Answer

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What is the S/N to the module? This is located on the back of the unit.
answered Oct 25, 2021 by derek g (357,980 points)
Hello. The EVO-ALL has a date of 03/2021 and the serial number is 001A07 239079.
You have the wrong rf kit protocol enabled in the unit.


The RM442 remotes require that option H2-Fortin2 be enabled. Currently your unit has option H1-Fortin enabled.

Please enable option H2, then re program the remotes to the module.


Finally test the lock and unlock functions and let me know if that solves it for you.
Thank you very much.  I haven't tried it yet but that makes sense.  I believe I knew to use H2 on modules I've used before.  I missed it this time.

That does make me wonder if there is a way to control the sliding doors or liftgate in H2 mode.  I know there are ways to do it with relays but is there a way to use the 442 remote with CAN bus to open at least the liftgate, without the use of relays or additional wiring?

Thank you, Derek!

Enabling option H2-Fortin2 has fixed my problem.  Now the buttons operate as they should.  The default configuration for this vehicle is H1 but I see in the RM442 literature that H2 is required.  Thank you for the help.

This does make me wonder if there is a way to control the sliding doors or liftgate in H2 mode.  I know there are ways to do it with relays but is there a way to use the 442 remote with CAN bus to open at least the liftgate, without the use of relays or additional wiring?



sliding doors are controlled by sending aux1 and aux 2 from the remote.


they will work when the vehicle is off, the relay and wired connection is for them to function when remote started.


refer to user manual for rf kit on how to send aux 1 and aux 2.
Outstanding. Everything works perfectly. Thank you, Derek.

For anyone with a 2014 Toyota Sienna, I have an EVO-ALL with an RM442 RF kit. No T-harness. Make sure you set the H2 option when configuring the unit. After setting up the unit and adding the remotes, additional functionality is available. Press the alt button on the remote, release and press lock to open the drivers side sliding door. Alt + unlock opens the passenger side. Pressing and holding the Alt button for three seconds will open the lift gate.  This only works when the vehicle is not started.
Glad you got it all going.


Best Regards.