Questions & Answers

Rf remote program

0 votes
Hello, i have a evo-all-442 installed into a 2009 f150, i have the evo all programmed fine lock lock lock works,

when i go to program the fobs, the antenna does not flash and the fobs will not program, i was using the prgram instructions that came with the kit, is there any other way to program the fobs?
asked Nov 26, 2021 in Ford by a a (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Were you following the method of letting go on the blue & red led's or the method of ignition on/off/on 4x brake?
answered Nov 26, 2021 by derek g (357,580 points)
letting go on red and blue, how do you do the other method?
The other method depends on firmware. Are you able to provide the S/N on the back of the module?
sn # 001a07301629
It should work on that firmware, try the following for the pairing procedure:

- Ignition ON, OFF, ON

- 4x on the brake pedal (not to fast or it might miss one of the presses)

- the antenna should start flashing the blue led rapidly at this point

- press (+) followed by lock button on each remote you want to program.
that worked, thank you