Questions & Answers

Evo All Foot Brake Wire and Door Status

+1 vote
Hey im installing a push start unit along with the Evo All push start requires the brake to be pressed before starting... using my multimeter ive noticed that there is only a signal on the (+)foot brake status wire coming from the Evo All unit after i press the brake when ACC/IGN is on...if ACC/IGN is off when I press the brake there is no signal on the wire......Is there a way to make the foot brake status wire always show a signal regardless if there is power to ACC/IGN??

Also the Evo All (-)Door Status wire is suppose to connect to a side door negative trigger wire correct??
asked Feb 28, 2014 in Chevrolet by DeAndre Shead (300 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

What vehicle is this for?

Hey im installing a push start unit along with the Evo All unit

You should check with the manufacturer of the push start system to see if they have install guides and combine it with the installl guide we have for your vehicle. Install guides are found here when doing a vehicle search :

if ACC/IGN is off when I press the brake there is no signal on the wire......Is there a way to make the foot brake status wire always show a signal regardless if there is power to ACC/IGN??

There is nothing around this.

Also the Evo All (-)Door Status wire is suppose to connect to a side door negative trigger wire correct??

The status outputs of the EVO are supposed to go to the aftermarket remote starter or aftermarket alarm. They do not connect to the vehicle.

answered Mar 3, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)
its a 2011 Camaro
also i was running into another trying to hookup the Ground While Running wire but everytime this wire is activated from my push start it doesn't start the car and when my remote start shuts down the red and yellow lights on the evo never go you think i need to try to reprogram it so it will bypass? Are there any special update or options needed to be activated for a 2011 camaro? Thanks

You should check with the manufacturer of the push start system to see if they have install guides and combine it with the installl guide we have for your vehicle. Install guides are found here when doing a vehicle search :


Having to send interupt the brake switch for their system should be part of their install guide. If this an advanced keys system, i highly recommend visiting their forums.


The guides we have with and without Tharness are :

EVO-ALL (Firmware 4.18 & Hardware 6 and more required) & THAR-GM1 v2 (T-Harness) - Revision 20130509

EVO-ALL & GM - Revision 20140123

also i was running into another trying to hookup the Ground While Running wire but everytime this wire is activated from my push start it doesn't start the car and when my remote start shuts down the red and yellow lights on the evo never go you think i need to try to reprogram it so it will bypass?

The RED LED will turn on when their is ground on the (-)ground-while-running wire. The Yellow turns on when their is 12V on the yellow ignition wire. If both are staying on after attempting to shut down the push start is because they are still getting powered somehow.

Are there any special update or options needed to be activated for a 2011 camaro?

Yes, no, maybe. We do not test our products with addon push start systems. Only remote starters and alarms.

ok thanks for the info, im not sure if my unit is programming correctly...i get all the way down to the part where it says the yellow led will blink rapidly ten times...that does happen but the next step it says the yellow led will turn back on then the blue led will blink well my yellow led turns completely off but then the blue led starts blinking and doesnt stop until i remove the key and then all are off so imn not sure if this is completely the program sequence or not?? Because when i run the GWR wire to ground and try to start car key using my non-chip key my car doesnt start. Also if i run the GWR wire to ground the doors appear to unlock and when i remove it from ground it makes my car starter  attempt to crank but doesnt and then the doors lock. i didn't think the GWR wire would have anything to do with door unlocking/locking or the starter motor?..... I hope this makes sense what im trying to explain. Thanks
also something else i wanna add while double checking all my wire connections...if I unplug the connector that has the CAN SW brown wire from the fortin evo and i touch ground with the GWR car will start, run for about 2-3 seconds and shut off. is the GWR wire suppose to initiate a start sequence?? o.O
The GWR activates the EVO when it is not in Stand alone remote starter mode. This is what is used when installing remote starters to turn on the eVO and tell it to do it's job.


If your doors unlocking when grounding that wire then relocking afterwards, it<s because either the other unit is programmed to tell the EVO to do so, or that the "unlock before, relock after start" option is turned on in the EVO. Normally, people turn this on the disarm the factory alarm upon remote start so that the alarm does get triggered.