Questions & Answers

FAQ: Using the EVO-ONE as an alarm and remote starter

0 votes
to be continued ....
asked May 5, 2015 in FAQ by Robert T (303,700 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

To turn on the evo-one alarm it is in the remote start options accessed by either the valet switch or the flash link manager program:


function 14 mode 2 for alarm on remote start on or function 14 mode 3 for alarm on remote start off.


Also needed is the negative Horn/Siren output (orange/black 750 mA 20 pin connector) Conneceted to the negative trigger of the factory horn or after market siren.


The Evo-One also needs to be armed with your RF remote. Done by locking the vehicle using the remote.

If the vehicle is not armed the alarm will not be activaed.


A door status is require to signal the alarm to trigger.


Either achieved through the can bus programming (if applicable) or by connecting the pink/black wire (from 20 pin connector) to a negative door trigger on the vehicle.


This is all foreseeing that the wires listed are not being used for something else in the installation (refer to your specific install guide to ensure they are unused).


Their is also a 3 pin shock sensor connector on the evo one (connector F black)


More to come....

answered Jan 13, 2016 by derek g (357,480 points)