Questions & Answers

EVO CHR5 worked fine for 3 months now the ignition comes on but doesn't start

0 votes
Last night the remote start just stopped working and now my check engine light is on.  I tried reprogramming but the ignition comes on all the aux comes on but it won't turn over.
asked Mar 7, 2016 in Jeep by craig schuller (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
have you checked fuses and wiring? perhaps a fuse poped or a wire came loose.
answered Mar 7, 2016 by derek g (358,030 points)
Thanks, just had a friend pull the codes from the check engine light and it looks like it may be a fuse.
0 votes
After removing the remote start the check engine light (communication error) cleared.  I reinstalled the remote starter and it still would not start.  Went through the start sequence and everything came on but would not actually start.
answered Mar 8, 2016 by craig schuller (180 points)
Did you try and re program the module?

Also can you perform this test for me:

On the white 5 pin connector meter the grey (C3) and grey/Black(C4) wires at the connector with the ignition on in the vehicle. It will be volts DC.

Let me know what the readings are.
Derek I know this as an old thread, but I just experienced the same issue, what are the voltages you are looking for. The vehicle will start and run fine with the module removed and all faults go away.