Questions & Answers

When finished driving, I lock car, Car then restarts

0 votes
Car starter now works, thanks for all the support.

However, now noticed that after driving anywhere, I stop the vehicle and get out, then lock the door with One press of the door lock button on OEM remote.

Then the motor starts again ?

I can then press Lock Unlock and lock, the motor stops.
asked Aug 24, 2016 in Ford by Dave MacDonald (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Please take a look at the leds on the evo-all module when you turn off your vehicle, let me know if any leds are still lit solid after shutting off the vehicle.


If no leds are lit, then stay in vehicle, open and close the driver's door, then press the lock button on the oem keyfob, note how many blue led flashes you see and if the vehicle starts.

Some Ford Fiestas exhibit multiple lock signals being transmitted with a single push of the oem keyfob (triggering 3xlock start), normally option D1.1(lock-unlock-lock) eliminates these false starts.

Turning off  C1 and an aftermarket RF kit would eliminate all these issues and give you extended range.

Thank you,
answered Aug 25, 2016 by J M (64,070 points)
I did email back, the Blue LED flashes 12 times.

Also note that I had already set the car to start with Lock Unlock Lock, not the regular 3x lock.
At this point you have 2 options, try doing a master reset, re-flash and re-program evo unit to vehicle, and re-select Lock-Unlock-Lock in the options tab, and re-test.


Turn off OEM remote monitoring (option C1) and install an aftermarket RF kit.


Thank you,