Questions & Answers

Installation Guide #3307 or Guide #3309

+1 vote
I just received the evo all system and installing it...I have a 2011 chevy camaro...should I follow the evo all guide#3309 or the vehicle specific guide #3307 just seems like the red connector configuration is a little different in both guides. thanks
asked Jan 1, 2014 in Chevrolet by DeAndre Shead (300 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Guide 3309 if you are not using a T-harness.

Guide 9401 if you are using a T-Harness.


We have done revisions to the firmware sometime last year to accomodate the stand alone feature. This directly changed the configuration on the red connector.

Guide 3307 would still work, but you would need to revert the EVO back to an older firmware.


answered Jan 3, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)
selected Jan 4, 2014 by DeAndre Shead
Thanks alot!!! that cleared up alot of confustion. Also I ran across another issue...on the Camaro, there is the VData(pin4 pink wire) that is the Starter wire at 9600 ohms and the same wire is also the accessory wire at 6300 ohms....since the green/red wire from the Evo is connected to this VData wire do I need to add the required resistor or does the Evo handle it built in? Thanks
No resistors required. The EVO will take care of it.