Questions & Answers

2012 Altima PTS starts after program then nothing. 3 flash parking light code.

0 votes
Hook control unit up, vehicle starts remotely fine. After that, further attempts fail. Module lights up in correct order but doesn't start.
asked Nov 21, 2017 in Nissan by Jeffrey Richardson (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?

When the car doesnt remote start what do the brake lights do?  also what do the leds on the module do?
answered Nov 21, 2017 by derek g (357,630 points)
0 votes
Service # is 001A06 718589

Starting is sporadic, it works occasionally.The LEDs on it flash red when it doesn't start. When it does, they all light in a different sequence. I'd have to video to tell exactly. The brakes lights come on for a few seconds either time, when it doesn't or does start. Thanks.
answered Nov 23, 2017 by Jeffrey Richardson (180 points)
Please enabled the follwing options:

A1 through A11.

C1 & D1

Turn off all other options. Unless you are using a rf kit, then leave your rf sections as is.

Save and the re test.
Same thing, starts first time after changing options, then not again.
When it doesnt start after you attempt it a second try do the brake lights turn on?

Does the ignition light up?

Do you get a key error in the dash?
The brake lights and pts button do light up with the attempt. I do not see an error on the dash.
does the dash light up?

Doesnt sound like it....How did you connect the wire ?
The white black wire is connected to the PTS brown wire. Turn signal lights on the dash flash but nothing else. I used T-tap connectors for all connections. Thanks again for your help.
T-taps are the number 1 cause of intermittent problems.

Poke and twist / military splice is the best most reliable type of connection. bare wire to bare wire connection.
So, I've done all of these and still get no start at all anymore. Thanks for help. C1 and D1 are only options on. All lights on dash and unit light appropriately