Questions & Answers

OEM 3x lock wont start / drone mobile crank the engine but wont start

0 votes
i installed Evo-One with T-Harness 9 and Drone mobile on  Toyota 4runner 2019. installed the lastest firmware for bypass, and the 0.5 firmware for remote start.  I followed the guide #72361 succesful.  i was able to lock/unlock door with drone mobile.  However, when i commanded to start, all it does to crank the engine but wont start.  I used the flashlink to change the option 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4 and no prevail.  any idea which option should i adjust.

Also, OEM 3x lock wont start although i followed the instruction and set the option 38.2 and C1.

Appreciate your help.

closed with the note: lowered firmware and solved issue.
asked Jun 14, 2019 in Toyota by Tb Huynh (180 points)
closed Jun 14, 2019 by derek g

1 Answer

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Best answer

"Also, OEM 3x lock wont start although i followed the instruction and set the option 38.2 and C1"

- Even though you turned them on they will not work on your car. The 3x lock feature from the OEM remote is not supported on your car.


For the drone part, What is the service number to the module? 

answered Jun 14, 2019 by derek g (357,980 points)
selected Jun 17, 2019 by derek g
Thanks Derek.

I called the Fortin technical support and they explained the same thing that 3x lock feature wont work on 4runner 2019.  The drone part is D-5400.  They were able to help me to install properly.  Here are the steps

Reset the remote starter.  Flash latest firmware 1.24, set 2.4, save and then reflash the 0.5 firmware. Connect to bypass module.  Flash 79.51; after that it works.