Questions & Answers

Remote starter turns ignition on but engine is not ready

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Hello i just installed evo-all on my toyota hybrid with t-harness, i m using this guide:


When i press three times the lock button ignition goes on but the engine stays off, a/c goes on but the air is hot, the engine should crank but nothing happens, only the dashboard instrument of the car is on. The "ready" n the dashboard symbol that means the engine is ready to go is off, seems that the immobilizer has been not bypassed.

I discovered also that the a16 wire even if connected or not doesn't change the result. engine doesn t start but ignition goes on.
asked Jul 19, 2019 in Toyota by paolo fast (820 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the vehicle is hybrid and the ready mode light is on then the car has remote started.


The ecm decides when to kick on the engine not the evo.
answered Jul 19, 2019 by derek g (357,980 points)
Thanks for answer, but the green ready mode light remains off. Only if i start woth my key it turns on. Why the a16 wire even if connected or not nothing changes?
What is the service number to the module?
001A06 753794
Flash version 79.52, re program i in the vehicle and try it again.
Flashed reprogrammed but nothing, mode ready remains off

Master reset the unit:

Plug it into the flasher, enable the specified options. 

Re program it in the vehicle, 


Re test. 

Nothing changes, the immobolizer has not bypassed seems. I dont understande the function of the a16 wire btw
that is what allows the ready mode light to turn on. I would double check this connection.
I dont think so. In the 2018 chr version the a16 is not required. I dont understand how the evo-all can bypass the immobilizer without acquiring the code inside the keyfob. the evoall simply push 12v into the ignition and stop, the immobilizer stop the car beacuse the evoall cannot push the code into the immobilizer.

In my old bmw i had to sacrify a key and hide it inside the car in order to startremote the car. And now the evoall can remotestart a 2018 car without the key? I think this setup is wrong and evoall cannot start the car
Paolo, Derek already gave you all the information. The READY light does not light most likely because the A16 wire is not connected properly. If the immobilizer is wrong the ignition would not turn ON.

An old BMW is something, your toyota works differently.
Guys i love u!!!!! I connected the a16 to the black/white instead of the black one! It s a miracle i dis not burned evrything . Thanks a lot!