Questions & Answers

Remote start only works the first time

+1 vote
Remote start works the first time but not after that solid red light only
posté Dec 30, 2021 dans la catégorie Dodge par keith lawley2 (230 points)
modifié Jan 2, 2022 par keith lawley2

1 Réponse

0 votes
what is the year make and model of the vehicle?


What is the S/N number on the back of the module?
répondu Dec 30, 2021 par derek g (335,840 points)
2010 dodge challenger standard key , Im using evo one as alarm and remote start.


S/N 002B04 108567


Ive tried the recommended options for 3x remote start which works 1x after programming the module and Ive tried the oem key option.