Questions & Answers

Evo-Ride + Remote Start pair to Ford Fiesta 2014

+1 vote
I just bought an Evo-Ride to a Ford Fiesta 2014 (without start button). I found that page was removed. I found that Evo-All have support to 3 datalink protocols. Does the same happens with Evo-Ride? I need to know what Remote Start Systems have support to Fortin Datalink. Thank you.
posté Avr 21, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Euler

1 Réponse

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Hi Euler,
You do not need datalink with the EVO-RIDE. It would only be used to turn on the EVO-RIDE when remote starting. The Ground-when-Running input already does this.

The only protocol you would have access to are Fortin.

répondu Avr 22, 2014 par Robert T (304,010 points)
élue Avr 24, 2014 par Robert T