Questions & Answers

Is there an installation guide for manual transmission for 2007 Camry?

0 votes
In the past I have seen the installation guide for manual transmission but today I can't find it.  Thanks in advance...
posté Sept 17, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Rodrigo Guzman (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
is the vehicel key start or push to start?
répondu Sept 17, 2021 par derek g (359,100 points)
Standard key, (has the lock buttons and trunk) pelase correct me if I'm wrong, my question would be which instructions do I follow for a manual transmission. I wired it with the instructions for that year.  Now, what to use for the clutch switch?
If you are using an evo-one there are no instructions for manual tranmission, as the warning states on the website, it only supports automatic transmission.


If using an evo-all with a remote starter, you would refer to the remote starter installation information on what wire to use to perform the clutch bypass.
I bought the Evo one 942 against that big red warning sign lol.  Can you guide me, how can I make this work. What products do I need? And which instructions for the clutch wire.  (No pressure it's just my wife's car) lol ....  I would really appreciate this info. I did all my cars with your products but this manual transmission is head scratching.  Thank you for your time for answering my questions.
Unfortunatly there is no way to make the evo-one work in that vehicle if it is manual tranmission. Thats why the warning is there.


In your case you would need a remote start module that is manual trnamsission compatible and you could the  use an evo-all for the key bypass.