Questions & Answers

Flashing red near programming button and module not responding to remote

0 votes
Remote doesnt work after change car battery. Tried reprograming but not helping. Noticed red light blinking near programming button not the red with the other yellow and blue led.

What could be wrong?
posté Nov 7, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Tony Yu (290 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The red blinking is normal. it means the unit is armed.


Unless the unit got damaged when you were changing the battery, it should still function.


To re pair remotes first enter and exit valet mode (ignitoin on, 3x on valet switch, ign off) to dis arm the evo, the red light will stop blinking, then proceed with regular rf pairing.
répondu Nov 8, 2021 par derek g (358,230 points)